3 February 2014


The shower ended up being kind of a bust because the weather was so horrible. But, Cherie got to see a few friends and family before heading back home, so that was nice. It was a small enough event anyway that we didn't mind only having a few guests.

I don't know what my problem is, but I always seem to get photo evidence that an event took place and was decorated nicely, but I always fail to take photos once all the guests arrive. Oh well, at least you can see how pretty my kitchen was on Saturday! Decorating for a small event like this is so simple. I just follow 3 simple steps: fresh flowers, colourful well placed balloons and a pretty cake! Voila, beautiful baby shower decor.


  1. Thanks so much for throwing that shower for me!! <3 Everything looked and tasted great! lol!

  2. This looks so pretty! I like your decorating philosophy. I never have a game plan when it comes to decorating for parties and always put so much pressure on myself that I get flustered and do a hideous job. I'll keep this mind for next time! Also, I really like your blog design :)



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