2 February 2014


Aaaaaaaand we're back! On Passionfruit that is! Advertising has been really crappy on the Whale & Wasp since leaving Passionfruit back in October. I never NEVER kept track of it and pretty much stopped advertising/sponsoring all together. It really made me dislike what my blog had become and made me want to work harder at building good partnerships. With that being said, I'm ready to get back on the ad swap bandwagon and promote the heck out of all my fellow bloggettes.

My ad shop is now available again on my Advertising page, so head on over there to get a spot for February. I feel like I've really lost touch with the blogging community and would love to reunite with you again, and of course, start new partnerships!  If you're interested in hosting a giveaway for my Etsy shop (new stock coming soon), or would like me to host a giveaway for you in the upcoming months, I'd love to partner with you! Please email me with any inquiries at whaleandwasp at hotmail dot ca.

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