4 February 2014



Instagram is probably the best way to display what goes on in my daily life. I have my phone with me everywhere and I rarely go out with my camera lately because I don't want to bring my lenses out in the snow and cold. This passed month has been a bit random but a great time for candids of Josie!

selfie sneak attack! // outfit for the baby shower // josie loves watching movies with daddy // 
looking through old photos and found this precious gem
my christmas lush haul // briar's first birthday with aunt carrie and josie! // 
mr and mrs thede's first dance // josie loves our new polka dot wall!
i love fresh flowers on my bedside table // kimball trying to act tough // 
bundled up! // matte black nails are absolutely my favourite thing

I'm going to try and do a weekly round up of my favourite instagram moments for weekend posts. I have a hard time posting on weekends because, well, I'm lazy. Haha! I'm going to push myself to post more so ~fingers crossed~ I can keep up with this series. In the meantime, feel free to follow my instagram!

I have a doctors appointment today to get ready for my surgery next week. I'm getting really nervous about it, even though it's only my wisdom teeth. I've never been put under before. But, I mean, if I can deliver an almost 9lb baby I'm pretty sure I've got this one in the bag. Right?

Happy Tuesday!


  1. that lush haul looks amazing! I've been meaning to go in and buy myself something as a treat :]


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