8 April 2014

my favourite photo apps for iphone

If you follow my Instagram, it's not a huge secret that I love fooling around with self portraits, especially when it comes to filtering and different exposures. Believe it or not, one of my primary cameras is my iPhone 5c. With technology today, there is probably hundreds of photo editing applications for phones - it's pretty hard to decide which ones to download, and which ones are worth paying for. Here are my top 6 favourite apps to help your decision making a little easier. 

V  S  C  O   C  A  M

This has been my favourite photo editing app for a long time. There is so many choices for filters, is super easy to use and it keeps your photos nice and organized. I love how it lights certain environments and can make any photo beautiful. If anytime I take a not so good photo, I just play with it on VSCO Cam and can usually find a nice formula to make it a good photo. The best part about VSCO Cam is you can edit full sized photos and it doesn't crop them into squares, so you can use this app to edit photos for your blog if you're not sure about splurging on Visual Supply Co software. The app is free, but filter packages start at 99 cents.

M  E  X  T  U  R  E  S

I cannot stress how wonderful this application is for adding colour and lighting to dull photos. There is nothing worse then taking a great self portrait in poor lighting. If you have this problem, then Mextures is the application for you. Much like VSCO, it allows you to edit full sized photos so it's great for if you don't have Photoshop. There's also pre made formulas from guest artists, which are perfect for when you're just starting out and aren't quite sure how to use Mextures. It can be a bit confusing at first but once you get the hang of adding layers, the possibilities are endless. Mextures is $1.99 and worth every penny.

P  I  C  L  A  B

This app is fantastic for having fun with photos! I use it for everything from Instagram, to making square buttons for my blog. Packed with the best fonts, vectors and filters, it's definitely worth unlocking everything for 99 cents. There's great apps like Krop Circle for fun crops but there is a lot more on PicLab to choose from and it's just all around fun (and easy!) to use.

P  I  C  T  U  R  E  S  H  O  W

This quickly became my favourite photo editing app after VSCO and is now tied with Mextures for second place. There is so many options and neat ways to capture photos, change the exposure or even take multiple photos at once. A great feature is the shuffle button, which will magically edit your photo and you can keep shuffling it until its perfect! Its a good option for beginners, as PictureShow is a tad tricky to figure out at first. I find my best edits were done by the shuffle button and were a pleasant surprise (although, some are quite weird). This app is $1.99 but worth it if you enjoy making your photos look old, weathered or spooky. My favourite feature is the double exposure or quad exposure because you can make photobooth-esque photos and I love a good silly photo.

S  T  U  D  I  O

Not much else to say for Studio that I haven't already said about PicLab. These apps are quite similar but are great for their own unique crops, fonts, vectors and filters. Studio doesn't have quite as many fonts as PicLab but what it lacks in the font department, it makes up for in the images. There's so many pretty vectors and mantras you'll never get bored of this app. And it's free!

A   B  E  A  U  T  I  F  U  L   M  E  S  S

Whatever Elsie and Emma touch turns to gold and the app is no exception. This is probably one of the easiest and funnest photo editing apps I've ever played with, and it's constantly updated with quirky and unique ways to make your Instagram photos a hoot. But you already knew that, didn't you? ;)

Even though I have a lot of favourites, I'd love to play with some more! What are your fave photo editing apps?


  1. I use the vsco app for EVERYTHING. definitely my favorite of all time. Haven't heard of the other ones, besides ABM app...want to try!

    1. Mextures is very much like VSCO but you get to do a layers and fiddle with exposures. Definitely a must have - I like to tone the photo with VSCO and the add filters with Mextures. Perfect duo!


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