2 April 2014

march in review

March felt like it was two months in one. I don't know if it's the really ridiculous back and forth we've been having with winter and spring (make up your mind mother nature -_-) or the fact that I'm just withering away from lack of Vitamin D. And while I'm really quite glad March is over, it wasn't a complete downer. Here are some of my favourite things that happened:

My little nephew came into the world! Torin is so perfectly handsome and I can't wait to meet him.
♥ I really got a handle on keeping the blog organized and keeping up with my social media and friendships I've made along the way. Which is a super big bonus considering I just tied up my first year as a blogger.
I've really started coming out of my shell to produce more outfit posts, which I can't even stress how happy it's made me. It gives me more confidence and let's me spend time with Jesse, getting us out of that winter rut.
Josie is starting to say full words and half sentences. It's actually quite funny to hear some of the things she comes up with. She tells Dexter to "Go away" and "Go lay down" a lot and she's starting to use people's names. "Hey Aunt Carrie!" is another favourite phrase around here.
Finally went through my nail polish collection to throw out oldies and organize everything else. Can't wait to share it with you guys, and also my favourites, and maybe a few tips and tricks as well.
After being out of school for ten years (wow, how old am i?), I finally sat down and decided what I want to do with my life. It was a really big A-ha! moment (and also kind of a duh! moment), and I am so so excited to let the cat out of the bag.. but you'll have to wait until then to find out!

Favourite Posts
Thank you for making March a little brighter, and here's to making my blog birthday month a fabulous one!

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