3 April 2014

advertise in april/may!

As you know, April is my blogaversary month and it's going to be a pretty great month! What better time to advertise on the Whale & Wasp then right now? Since the theme revamp, the ad shop has changed slightly. All ads are different sizes to suit my blog better and quantity has changed as well. There is now two large spots, 4 medium spots and only 6 ad swap spaces. 

The swaps were booked up all the way to August but since the ad size change, almost have the spaces have opened up. But, they fill up pretty quickly so don't waste any time if you're interested! 

Take a peek at my advertising page to get more info on Stats, pricing and ad details. 

I am also interested in hosting reviews, giveaways or promoting items in my style photos. If you have any questions about signing up for one of those things, I'd be delighted to hear from you! Email me at whaleandwasp@hotmail.ca

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