1 April 2014

style // whale & wasp turns one!

Hey dolls! So sorry I've been away for a few days, but I've been planning big things! As you can see, it's my first blog birthday, or blogaversary - whatever you want to call it. It's been one year since my first post, and wow has the blog ever grown. I am so proud of what it's become, even though I am still a tiny speckle in the bloggersphere. I didn't think I'd ever get this far and keep at it.

Today is a big hurraw, to celebrate how I've challenged myself, quit procrastinating and most importantly, gained self confidence. This time last year, I would have never taken photos of myself like this and posted them on the internet. I've always been too shy, and too convinced that my body wasn't worthy of sharing. I still have a lot to learn and more growing to do, and I am really excited to share it with all of you. It's nice to have finally let go and not take myself so seriously.

Pullover // ASOS
Skirt // Forever 21+
Belt // Modcloth
Tights // Walmart
Boots // Roxy
Sunnies // eBay
Plugs // Gift from Becky
Wet N Wild in Through The Grapevine
Sinful Colors in Black on Black

Thank you so much to everyone who has stuck around, read my posts, shared with their friends and helped my blog grow! And lastly, if you haven't noticed yet, I've completely revamped the blog and I think it suits me more and is easier to navigate for everybody. What do you think?

P.S What do you get when you mix long hair, a short skirt and balloons with high winds? One hell of a time, that's for sure!



  1. Happy Blogaversary! It's always fun to hit a milestone with a blog and to see just how far you have come. This outfit is pretty darn adorable, I really dig the pop of color with the red belt!


Thank you so much for reading my blog! I appreciate your comments and try to read and reply to all of them! ♥

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Design:Maira Gall.