6 March 2014

places i've always wanted to go // part one

I'm not a traveler. I'm terrified of planes and boats and I don't like driving, nor do I have my licence or my passport. But, that doesn't mean I don't have somewhat of a "travel wishlist". They need to come up with a way to teleport because I love to visit places but I hate the journey part. Here is a few places I've always wanted to go but never wanted to do the actual travelling.

Eastern Canada
I've always thought the Maritime provinces were gorgeous. Jesse's family is Acadian and are from New Brunswick so now I have a reason to really want to go there. His Dad went back home a few years back and if it weren't for my fear of travelling, we'd have visited by now. It's always been a dream to travel that whole coast.

Nashville, Tennessee
I've been through Tennessee, but, we never visited the number one place I've always wanted to go. Nashville. I don't even need to tell you that its purely because of my love for music. I've dreamed of going to the Grand Ole Opry since I was a child. And let's not forget the Bluebird Cafe, Third Man Records and Music Row. I get excited just thinking about it!

Quite obviously, one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen in photos and I've just always, always wanted to go there. Also, the Blue Lagoon.

Home of my second favourite animal, the Koala and one of the most beautiful (and dangerous) coral reefs, you're crazy if you don't want to visit Australia.

Boston, Massachusetts
I honestly don't know why, I've just always wanted to see Boston. Maybe it's all the movies about it but it seems so rich with history and just all around a cool place to visit.


  1. Hi! I've always wanted to go to Canada! Australia is really great, you should go to the Coral Reef before it desappears! The Mediterranean islands are also incredible: Minorca, Formentera in Spain, and also Sicily, in Italy.

    1. I'd love to! I've wanted to see the coral reef since i was a little girl. Canada is awesome! im so glad i live here

  2. The reef is definitely worth seeing, not sure about it being dangerous though.

    We have plenty of other beautiful places here. You must come....

  3. It's funny since I did a post super similar to this - but it was all places that were pretty much impossible for me to budget for and so forth. I actually live in Boston so give me a call if you're going to be in town. It's an awesome place, I agree!

    1. Oh I didn't see that one! I'll have to check it out. Boston seems really rich with architecture and that's why its so interesting to me. If ever I get my passport I'd definitely go!


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