7 March 2014

friday five // v.41

Positively in love with these little hand painted gnomes by Jesiii. So talent. Much wow.

Lord have mercy. This recipe for French Toast BLT has me foaming at the mouth.

This dress is SO beautiful. And I love how Sabrina has styled it for her Wedding Style tips.

Eeee! I just love a good paired button up and cardigan. I love everything about this outfit post from Marissa. Everything looks so chic and comfy - the best combination for clothing.

I couldn't be more in love with this bag. I'm hurt it even exists. How dare it be so perfect.

I can't believe it's Friday already. Time is flying. I hope that my sister has her baby soon - she messaged me and told me she started to dilate so it'll be any day now. So excited to meet my nephew. Pure bliss! 

Happy weekend everyone! xo

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  1. Hi Amber!
    My name is Veronica, and I am also a 25-year-old mommy. I found your blog through Kaelah (in the comments) and as soon as I clicked on it, i was mesmerized by the design: did you really design the whole layout yourself? that's very impressive!! kudos!!

    I also have a very new blog (September '13), and I noticed in your comment to Kaelah you mentioned button swaps? is that something you might be interested in? You can check out my blog http://happylifeofacitygirl.blogspot.com/ and leave me a comment there if you want to swap buttons, or if maybe you want to just exchange experiences or something?? I am really looking forward to new blogger friends :-)

    Love, Veronica.

    1. Hi! I did it mostly myself. The clouds and background scallops are vectors purchased on etsy, but the rest of it is me! (except for fonts of course).

      Welcome to the bloggersphere! On my way to check out your blog now and ill email you shortly after! xo

  2. Thanks so much for the shoutout here! I'm glad you liked the cardigan combo as much as I did :)


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