9 March 2014

meet the sponsor // hey sabrina faith

Hey, I'm Sabrina Faith. i'm a 21 year old gal livin' in southern Illinois with my kitty cat, Gregory. Most of my days consist of me laying in my bed drinking sweet tea by the gallon and binge watching T.V. shows on Netflix. I like to think I'm handling adulthood pretty well.

Describe your blog and what drew you to start blogging. What is your favourite part about it? 
Hey Sabrina Faith is a mixture of everything I love. I wanted a place to share it all. I talk about beauty, music, my daily life, music and whatever else seems to fancy me. My favorite part about blogging is meeting new people. I know that's super cliche to say BUT I've met some really awesome people through blogging. I also love being able to share my thoughts on things with others. I like being able to promote things I love.

Is there any particular topic you like to write about most?
Probably beauty. It's the easiest to talk about, honestly. I love writing personal posts but I know I get a lot of crap about "sharing too much online".

What are your favourite blogs? Who inspires and awes you the most?
Oh, this is a tough one. I obviously love Amber's blog because I'm sponsoring her! I also really love Brittney of Like An Arrow - She's one of my biggest blogging best friends. I have so many favorite bloggers right now, check my sidebar for some more awesome blogs!

What are your top five favourite bands/musicians? 
My hands down favorite band is A Day To Remember, I will FOREVER fan girl over everything they ever put out. Lately I've been listening to The 1975 NON stop, I suggest checking them out. I also really love The Dangerous Summer, Bastille, Fall Out Boy and Kodaline.

Do you attend concerts and if so, which has been your favourite and who are you dying to see?
Yes I do! The last band I saw live was Fall Out Boy! I always enjoy seeing A Day To Remember live mostly because they're my favorite and because they always make it super fun. I can't think of any artist I'm really DYING to see but I would love to see the 1975 live.

Do you feel pretty open about your injury and is it a big part of your blog? 
I am open about my spinal cord injury and everything that comes with it because it's important to educate people. There's a negative stereotype that surrounds the disabled community and I think that's crap.. but it all comes from a lack of knowledge. People don't understand so they assume things. I think it's important to talk about the things nobody else wants to and share my struggles so that others can understand better.. and relate.

What's a day in the life of Sabrina like?
Oh goodness, I'm pretty lame actually. I sleep til like noon, then I'll play on my phone for a good hour before taking a shower. Sometimes I put on makeup if I plan on seeing people that day, I'll check my laptop. I clean almost every day but somehow my apartment still is messy.

What are your current favourite make up products? 
I recently made a video about my current favorites- you can view that here.

Guilty pleasures?
Ke$ha, for sure! I also love to jam One Direction's "That's What Makes You Beautiful"

Most importantly, what is your favourite ice cream flavour?
I'd normally say vanilla, but I've been LOVING some mint chocolate chip lately!

You can read what Sabrina's been up to on her blog, and you can also find her here:
Facebook // Twitter // Instagram // Pinterest // Youtube

1 comment:

  1. You're beautiful! Just from reading this, I can say I love your personality!


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