18 February 2014


Hiya kids, and welcome to a new series I like to call "I Made A Thing!", where I like to show off all the new things I've learned to sew, bake, create, etc. It may even include a DIY from time to time if I've made it in good lighting and can take photos of the process. Last night I felt very creative so I decided to make a padded sleeve for my laptop. It's actually quite simple and requires little skill. 

I had a good inkling of how to make one of these, as it's pretty much the same thing as my iPhone sleeves, just a lot bigger in size and with a flap. I decided to Google DIYs just so I had something to follow, and I found this tutorial from Amy A La Mode, which is a very good how to for anyone who wants how to that can be adjusted to fit any size of laptop. Following her steps was quite easy and she is pretty good at explaining things. Demonstration photos are also a plus! I tweaked it up a bit to suit my wants (which you can see below) and rounded the corners of my flap. I also used velcro patches instead of sewing in buttons. The pattern ended up being a bit too large and fits my laptop loosely, but that could have just been my measuring. 

The best part about this, is that you only need 1/2 yard each of your exterior and lining fabric plus quilt batting and whatever enclosure you choose (velcro, buttons, strap etc.) Simple and cheap! My kind of laptop case. I love this fabric so much and couldn't decide what to do with it - use it for myself or add things to the shop. Finally I decided to get a little selfish with it and make myself something for once. I also didn't want one of those ugly black and bulky laptop cases you can get at the store, because, well, that's just boring. Plus, doesn't it look adorable? (Don't mind my kitchen or my stack of drying dishes haha) 

Looking back on it, I feel like I may have had an easier time sewing it how I sew the phone sleeves so I might try making another one that way, if anyone is interested in me sharing a tutorial! 

Have a great Tuesday! xoxo


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