19 February 2014


1. What a gorgeous chevron top! I'm dreaming of summer time.
2. This remote for iPhone was featured on ABM not too long ago, and holy guacamole, I want it.
3. I am in serious need of some skin rejuvenation, I need to pick up some Dream Cream (and a little bath bomb here and there never hurt anybody.)
4. These vintage inspired owl plugs are screaming my name.
5. This basket set would look SO perfect in my closet and I am saving my pennies for them.
6. I've been looking for a quilted crossbody purse for awhile, and I think this may be the one.
7. I mean, who doesn't want a navy anchor dress?
8. Apparently, this polymer top coat is the best top coat out there. And I've been on a 3 year hunt for the perfect top coat. I think this needs to be tested.

It's officially been a week since my surgery and I feel great. I catch myself tonguing the spots where my teeth used to be and feeling great that it's not a broken tooth I'm feeling, immediately followed by a cringe because the gums feel so weird! Oh, but I couldn't be more happy with my decision to get them pulled, it's been a world of difference just with the healing process and I'm so excited to not feel pain in my mouth anymore. A word of the wise, if you're undecided about getting dental surgery to fix a major tooth problem, suck it up and just do it. I promise, it will be the best decision you've ever made! xo

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  1. Dream Cream is a MIRACLE. I love it so so so much. And that anchor dress is hella cute as well :]

  2. cute selection! i have a purse that looks just like that from XXI and it was only about $20!

  3. I've seen the Dream Cream and wanted to try it. My skin has had just about enough winter!

  4. Ahhhhh that anchor dress!!!!!!


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