11 February 2014



This installment of Currently Crushing needs to be renamed to ALWAYS crushing, because I LOVE New Girl. It's bad. I can't even deny it - I've become completely obsessed with this show. I've also never cared for how many times I've heard someone say "I hate Zooey Deschanel" or "Zooey Deschanel tries too hard" etc etc. I don't think so at all! I love her to bits and here's why:

I think she is really cute and funny in New Girl. I find her character Jess Day to be incredibly relatable. I often find myself dancing like this. I wish I were joking. But I'm not. I actually dance like this on a daily basis.

She's starred in a lot of my favourite movies...

...and co starred with three of my favourite actors. Jealous - aka would totally marry all three of these men aka Shaaaawiiiing!

I've always enjoyed She & Him.

Her sister Emily is pretty cool (fun fact: did you know her dad is a cinematographer and her mom was in Twin Peaks?)

Lastly, I love her style. I think my style relates to hers a lot in the way that while I do love to wear dresses and be pretty a lot, I love to be comfortable in a good pair of pants and a tee.

If you've never watched New Girl, I strongly suggest it to you if you're into comedies or have nothing to do on a Tuesday night. 

As you are reading this I'm most likely in the middle of getting my wisdom teeth pulled out. Yeesh. Probably not enjoying this much. Anyway, happy Tuesday everyone!

Source: I don't really know how to go about sourcing from Tumblr because nobody ever sources there and it's next to impossible to find out where every photo came from. If you search "Zooey Deschanel" on tumblr though, all these images are there. I guess Tumblr isn't a very good outlet for finding photos. Oops.


  1. I used to think New Girl was the stupidest show ever...and then I started watching it! It's sooooo funny. Schmidt is one of my favorite characters ever, but Jess is such a great compliment to all the dudes.

  2. I love her fun vintage style and I love her in almost famous and 500 days of summer
    loved the 1st season of new girl :) I really like mindy project too :)


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