20 December 2013


These ugly sweater plugs are so awesome! How perfect would they be for a holiday party? (Don't forget you can get 20% off your first order with Omerica with coupon code WASP20)

This gingham dress is SO cute. I just love the frame of the dress it's so flattering and the little bow is a perfect finishing touch.

 My two favourite people on Earth are hosting the Saturday Night Live Christmas Special this weekend. #SO EXCITED!!!! #barrygibbtalkshow #bringitondowntoliquorville #hashtaghashtag

This jackalope jewelry holder made me squeal when I first saw it. PLEASE SANTA I've been good this year!

 I saw these one Kaelah's blog yesterday, omg penguin macarons! This person is so talented!

This weekend may be pretty hectic for me and then next week is obviously going to be CRAZY busy, so I may not have a full week of topics for you but there will be a couple, I swear! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everybody, I hope you are surrounded by family and that Santa is good to you this year. 


  1. Those macarons are THE CUTEST. xoxo

  2. I'm stoked for the SNL special too. What an awesome pair!


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