4 December 2013


FINALLY! My new camera lens arrived and I couldn't be more excited to get my blog show on the road! Okay, so I got to have my Christmas present early... But I really wanted to make sure I could document Josie's first birthday, as well as not fall behind with my blog. It's very important to me and I can't wait to get back on track.

I got my lens in the mail yesterday. It's the Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 II and it came with a free cleaning kit, a UV lens and hood, which I really appreciate. One of the reasons my kit lens broke was due to lack of cleaning and over usage. It is the cheapest lens you can get for Canon which was it's major attraction. But, I was also interested in the small aperture and it's ability to take beautiful portraits. I decided to play around with it a bit and share a few favourite photos I captured. Overall, just playing with this for 5 or 10 minutes, I prefer it to my kit lens for sure. It is 100% better, and easier to use. I took these photos on manual which I could never use properly on my kit lens. I would prefer these images to be sharper but I'm sure once I play around with it a bit more I will figure out exposure and work with different apertures. 

I love watching Dexter and Josie together. They play so well together and photograph really well. Dex loves getting his picture taken. He also really loves cheesies. 

What do you think of this lens (if you own it)?


  1. Oh wow, I am jealous! I've been wanting a new lens, but they are so expensive! One day...

    By the way, those photos are amazing, I love them.

    feathers and ash

  2. That last picture is precious!


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