5 December 2013


November was a pretty boring month for the Whale & Wasp, so it went a bit slow. But look at this, it's already December 5th and I'm just posting my review now. There's so much to do in December, so of course it's going by really fast. Here's a look back at November with some of my favourite posts.

What We've Been Up To:
  • My sister is having a baby!
  • Planning Josie's first birthday party
  • Spending a lot of time with my best friend, Carrie
  • Jesse built a little workshop outside 
What Josie's Been Up To:
  • Eating full solids and cow's milk now
  • Saying real words
  • She took 6-8 steps all on her own! Look out world!
I hope your November was more eventful then ours. But, I can't wait to share so many things with you in December and January! 

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