3 December 2013


Wow, this is a very extensive Christmas Wishlist but I clearly got a little carried away. And let's be honest, there's only two things I actually need on this list (camera bag, portrait lens), and a few things I could really use but aren't necessary (duffle bag) and two things that are already under my tree (ef 50mm f/1.8 ii lens, Curl Secret). But, I always get so lost in the depths of Modcloth and Lush that I convince myself these are things I can't live without. I'm a girl, I can't help it okay?!  

I know what you're thinking... "what the hell? Katy Perry perfume?" But seriously, this perfume was made for me. It's literally all my favourite notes in one perfume. She really nailed it. I spray myself with it every once in awhile in the store. Okay so I spray myself every time big whoop. 

The one thing I actually really, really want is the camera bag. Holy cow do I ever want it. I still don't own one single camera bag and this one is perfection. 



  1. Hahaha, we have such similar tastes! My big asks for Christmas are a camera lens and a camera bag, hah! Best of luck in getting everything you want :]

  2. I have tiny samples of the Katy Perry perfume that I'm hoarding. I also really like the new Nicki Manj perfume. Pretty smells.


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