1 November 2013


These amazing baby portraits by Queenie Liao. How beautiful is this idea? I'm melting.

This bird wallet has my name written all over it.

My friend Chewy did a small write up about Lou Reed passing away and it warmed my heart.
photo via Tumblr

The Foo Fighters are BAAAACK. ~screams at the top of my lungs and faints~

This duffle bag from Herschel Supply Co is so perfect. Number one on my Christmas wishlist for sure!
Herschel Supply Co // Also available at Modcloth

It rained all night but we still took Josie out for Halloween anyway. She had so much fun! I think she giggled the whole time we were out. I can't wait for next year when she understands it a bit more, even though I know she enjoyed it last night just because she loved meeting everyone in the neighborhood. I'm really glad we decided to go out. I hope everyone had a great Halloween too!

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