4 November 2013


October flew by. This year is going by so fast, etc etc. A lot of growing has happened on Josie's behalf: She's standing on her own now for more than a short few seconds and she's now drinking milk bottles instead of formula bottles. She's almost completely converted to solid foods and is starting to say real words instead of babbling. Yay Josie! A little over a month and she'll be one year old!

I feel like I didn't do a whole lot, blog wise this month for two reasons: My camera is broken and I was sick for a couple weeks. There were a few posts I really enjoyed sharing though:

There were also some great posts that helped my readers get to know me better, know what I'm listening to or what I would choose to wear or decorate for a Halloween party. 

There has a been a little bit of change on the Whale & Wasp in aesthetics and I really am loving it. Eventually I will be re branding and I am also working on totally changing the way I package and promote the items in my Etsy shop and I'm so excited to get that started! It's going to be a hectic next two months because of it, plus Christmas and Josie's birthday but I can't wait!

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