7 May 2014

Torin Michael

This weekend my sister, Cherie, came for a visit and I finally got to meet my baby nephew, Torin, for the first time. He's over a month old now, but still looks as sweet and perfect as he did in the first photos I saw of him.
He is so handsome, and smells so good and when he smiles and coos at you, you could just cry. Josie didn't know what to think of him. You could tell she loved him and wanted to play with him but she also showed a lot of jealousy towards him. This photo is bad due to over exposure but I can't get over how she's holding Torin's hand.
My sister had this batman costume on him, cape and all, and it probably was the best outfit I've ever seen. What a cutie! I just wanna eat him up!
Proud Auntie over here! I just love him to pieces. I can't wait until our next visit. 
Today is Jesse's birthday, so Josie and I are going to craft it up today and make Daddy a nice birthday card! xo

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