1 May 2014

April In Review

Another month down. I'm so excited for May - so many birthdays, the weather is clearing up (finally!), the garden is starting to bloom and we have so many projects in the works here at home!

Here are some things:
♥ Jesse's birthday is on the 7th and I'm so excited to celebrate!
♥ Our town got a new convenient store and that's probably like the biggest thing ever. I feel like this is Endora and I'm Gilbert Grape.
♥ My good friends just announced they're having a baby boy! I had my fingers crossed for a girl but I won't complain! Hurray!!
♥ Jesse and I started a project together and I am really, really excited about it!

Favourite Posts
Happy May, everyone! xo


  1. Your daughter is too cute for words, love those sunglasses on her. I also really loved your posts this month, keep up the good work!

    1. Thanks Danica! I hope to keep posting quality stuff lol


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