9 April 2014

pinteresting... // hair inspiration

"Get Pinterest," They said,
"It'll be fun." They said.

Whether it be for gathering all my crazy ideas or just so people can show me funny things, I've been told countless times to get Pinterest. There's no real rhyme or reason for why I always stuck my nose up in disgust at the idea of getting on board with it, I just did. not. like. Pinterest.

Truth be told, I've had Pinterest for a while now, but all my boards are private. Mostly because I like to keep my ideas private, and secretly because most of them are ideas for my non existent wedding. Oops, you caught me! This week I decided I should start pinning things publicly for inspiration boards for the blog and today will be my first step into the world of sharing my Pinterest account.

Pins 1 // 2 // 3 // 4
I've been dipping my toes into the idea of dying my hair lavender or violet, a la Kelly Osbourne for some time now. Let's take a couple steps back here. If you know me at all, you know I don't take chances when it comes to my hair. My hair has been black for almost 10 years and the most daring thing I've done is cut my bangs to go straight across my forehead - real dare devil I am, huh? But, oh how I love purple hair. It's gorgeous and it reminds me of mermaids (which I secretly am one, if you were wondering). It calls to me. And lately I find myself pinning over it. So I guess I used Pinterest to gather my ideas... (I should just get used to it, right?)

I guess my main concern, besides ending up looking like a giant eggplant, is the cost and upkeep of having brightly coloured hair. Does anyone have any advice?

P.S, I've finally added Pin It buttons to my images for all you Pin heads out there.


  1. Haha at first I did not like Pinterest either, I didn't really see the point but now I've grown much more addicted to it. And I'm with you on having some secret wedding boards! That hair colour is absolutely beautiful.

    1. yeah i dont know what made me think Pinterest sucked but I suppose it is pretty good for keeping ideas because if i write them down on paper i always lose the paper haha

  2. Dip dying is a good idea if you regularly cut your hair anyway. Just dye the tips and snip them off when you get tired of it.

  3. I would suggest the same as ally. I've done bright purple and lavender before, but only on the bottom half of my hair and it was so fun! But, with how dark my hair is it required a lot of lightening first. After a few months my hair felt so gross that I just cut the dyed part all off.

  4. I love Pinterest. And I've been thinking of purple when my hair grows out, but I've been working so hard to get back to my natural color that I want to try something temporary. I actually just pinned a purple one I love: http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/24/4d/15/244d156c7383dc637d40160d1e3ce90a.jpg. I'll be interested in how you do yours if you do it, which you totally should. It's just hair - it grows back!


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