2 March 2014


Hello cuties! I hope everyone is having a brilliant Sunday afternoon. I know I've already posted something today (Redbubble Giveaway winner), but I figured this would be a nice Sunday read for all you homebodies, sipping on your coffee, reading your blog roll. I thought it would be a good way for new readers to get to know me better, too!  I've been nominated for these before but always forgot to do them for some reason. Oooh, now I feel bad about it. But, the lovely, lovely Jess from Foreign Room nominated me for the Liebster Blog Award and I couldn't have been nominated by a better person! I love Jess and her blog is fantastic. So inspirational and beautiful that girl is!

Here are the rules:

  • Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog.
  • Answer the 10 questions given to you by the nominator.
  • Nominate other bloggers (who have less than 200 followers).
  • Create 10 (or so) questions for your nominees to answer.
  • Let your nominees know that you nominated them!

Jess's questions for me:
Where do you get your blogging inspiration from?
I find inspiration from my surroundings, whether is be my family, music, fellow bloggers, etc. I also browse a lot of crafting websites, things like that. 

What is one thing you can't live without?

Music. I mean, aside from my family, I absolutely cannot live without music. It completes me. Without music I am not a real person, I'm not creative, I'm not me. I honestly don't understand how there are people in the world who don't really care for music. It's like air to me. 

Are you a night owl or an early riser?

100% a night owl. I hate mornings. I don't function well on less than 8 hours of sleep. 

What is the strangest thing you have ever eaten?

I honestly don't even remember, because I eat such normal things. I have a stomach condition which restricts my eating habits and stops me from trying new things. I also don't eat weird or new meats because I love animals too much. I don't even like eating cows, chickens or pigs. But after 10 years of being a vegetarian with an iron deficiency I decided that it was healthier for me to eat meat again. But yeah, no weird food for me.

What is one thing that annoys you most?

I really don't like unnecessary noise, like tapping on things, loud chewing, etc. It gives me the shivers. 

If you could read someone's mind for one day, who would it be and why?

Dave Grohl. Not that I'd ever be close enough to him to read his mind, but oh man, if I could pick anybody's brain it would be his. It must be constructed of gold and rainbows and wonder, because I think he's a genius. Also, it'd be nice to know what my daughter was thinking because she's always SO happy but can't talk yet.

What has been your most memorable birthday so far?

The ones I don't remember, that's how you know they were good!
Last year was fun though because Jesse and I went on a mini vacation to Toronto and went to see Queens Of The Stone Age and did a whole bunch of things. That was nice.

How did you meet your best friend or significant other?

I was 11 or 12 at the park and he threw rocks at me. That's not even made up, that's how we met first. Then we started hanging out through my cousin and we've been best friends ever since, dating for 7 years.

If you had to be trapped in a TV show for a month, which show would you choose?

Lost! Or New Girl if I don't feel like running for my life.

What is (or was) your favorite grandparent like?

I loved all my grandparents equally. My dad's mom was the best, I remember her cat eye glasses and the way she made Kool-Aid by shaking it and pink popcorn in the bread box. My mom's parents are great. I love how they bicker at each other while still loving each other. They used to own a farm and I miss that. My Grandma has terminal cancer now and it's been a struggle.

Thanks so much to Jess for nominating me! here is who I nominate:
Gabrielle from Hippie Go Lucky
Marissa from The Modern Austen
Emorie from Oh Whimsical Me

Here are my questions for them:
1) What made you decide to start blogging?
2) What are some of your favourite bands?
3) Favourite concert (and if you haven't been to one, who would you see?)
4) What is the weirdest thing that interests you?
5) Do you have any odd/peculiar talents?
6) What bloggers do you look up to/find inspiration from?
7) What's your favourite ice cream flavor?
8) Name one trait you know you got from your Dad and one from your Mom?
9) What makes you mad more than anything?
10) Earliest childhood memory?

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