3 March 2014


Not a whole lot went on in February, but, I will say it was a good month for Whale & Wasp. We got a bit of a make over, and I started to finally start some reoccurring topics. Which, is a lot easier said then done! 

February was a pretty weird month for me. A lot of highs and unfortunately, quite a bit of lows. Sometimes I really struggle with my emotions and this month was kind of difficult for me to deal with everything that has been going on. On the bright side, here are some good things that happened:

- My sister's baby is due SO soon and I couldn't be more excited to welcome another nephew into the world.
- Jesse and I went to see Kings Of Leon last Sunday. I have one more band and I can finally cross "seeing my top 5 favourite bands" off my bucket list. We also got to spend the day with a good friend we haven't seen in awhile so that was great, too.
- I started sewing again. I don't think I have done any work since around November and it feels nice to have some inspiration and drive again. 

Here are some of my favourite posts from February.

If you would like to have a button on my sidebar, I'd love to have you! You can check out all my updated stats, rates and button sizes in the Advertising page. Some really exciting things are happening in March and I'd love to share with you and make new friends! Happy March everybody. xo

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