27 March 2014

style // it's too cold for this

It's been a week of Spring, and I'm calling mother nature's bullshit. Pardon my language, but could we PLEASE be rid of this snow already?! Usually I love winter and don't mind that its our longest season in Canada, but this winter just seems to be dragging on, and it's SO cold. Either that or I'm getting too old for the cold, because it's been almost unbearable lately (hence why most of these photos I have my coat on! Brrrr)
But of course, leave it to me to drag people out to the coldest place in town, Denny's Dam. Luckily for me, Carrie and Jesse (Below. Can you tell they're cousins?) didn't mind grabbing some Timmies and taking a little hike with me. Clementine didn't mind either, but really, what husky would? 
Coat, Cardigan // Modcloth
Top, Camisole, Jeans // Forever 21+
Boots (few years ago) // Roxy
Necklace // Handmade
Scalloped Clutch // Vintage via Emma Deer's Closet
Nails // Essie in Bikini So Teeny


  1. You are absolutely beautiful in these pictures, Amber! You are striking in red and that coat is so cute. I hope you get some warm weather sent your way soon :)


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