20 March 2014

meet the sponsor // the modern austen

Hey! My name is Marissa. I’m a twenty-something who loves Pinterest, Michael Buble, and Jane Austen.

Describe your blog and what drew you to start blogging. What is your favourite part about it?
The Modern Austen is a lifestyle and fashion blog committed to merging classic elements and modern touches for the everyday woman through style, DIY, food, technology, budgeting, books, and more. I decided to start blogging about a week after I graduated college in May 2012 because I have always needed something to throw my passion and energy into. In college and high school, I was overly involved in a variety of amazing activities and after college I was left with a completely clean slate. So, being a writer and DIY-er and fashionista of sorts, I decided to tackle the blogging world and I haven't looked back since. I absolutely love blogging, both the social and professional sides of it. I think my favorite part is the incredible opportunities it has brought me, including making new friends, trying new brands, and directing my professional future.
Is there any particular topic you like to write about most?
They--the elusive blogging gods--say you're supposed to stick to one or two "niches" of sorts, but I tend to write about everything. I do talk mostly about fashion, but that seems to be shifting to include blogging and lifestyle a lot more.

What are your favourite blogs? Who inspires and awes you the most?
I read SO many incredible blogs of a variety of topics. I love the fashion inspiration from Putting Me Together, the beauty tutorials and recommendations from The Small Things Blog, the life musings from The Life of Bon, the literary and nerd-tasticness of My Life as a Teacup, and so so many more. My Bloglovin' feed is full of amazing content that I usually feature on The Friday 5 every week!

What's the last book you read and did you enjoy it?
I LOVE reading and I try to read as often as I can. I'm currently reading Gone by Michael Grant and it is a pretty good Y.A. dystopian novel. I recently read Gone Girl By Gillian Flynn back in January and just devoured it in two days. It was a great read. I keep my Goodreads account as updated as possible!

Explain your style in three words.
Classic. Modern. Feminine. 

What inspires you?
Ambition, pretty colors, photography, clean design, technology, empowering others, strong women, blogging, music, art, dancing, positive affirmation, family, friends, and love. 

What's a day in the life of Marissa like?
Well, I'm currently job searching, so my days are completely unconventional these days and differ all the time. I usually get up, start working on my blog and answer emails, then get ready for the day and eat lunch, then either go to work at LOFT or job search, write, photograph for the blog, edit, manage ads and sponsorships, meet up with friends, or attend meetings. I just recently joined the advisory board for my local chapter of Levo League (I highly recommend you join the chapter in your city!) and I'm also the creative director for an up-and-coming multi-author blog called Urban Cashmere that will launch in a few weeks. Then, I eat dinner, spend time with family and friends, watch a little Scandal or Downton Abbey, spend way too much time on my computer, and head to bed! 

What are your current favourite make up products and do you have a daily routine?
Makeup is something I really love, but don't spend a whole lot of money on. I actually have mild, but persistent acne and very uneven skintone with a lot of dark spots, so I am often frustrated with makeup and how it never seems to do the job. I've very recently been introduced to Clinique products and I am in love. I plan on purchasing the Even Better foundation and concealer. I also really like Cover Girl's Jumbo Gloss Balm and Lash Blast Volume Mascara. I try to stick to a natural look and I always wear foundation, blush, and mascara, no matter what! 

Guilty pleasures?
Cheez-its, Buffalo Chicken Dip, Harry Potter, NSYNC, stripes and polka dots, and dancing. 

Most importantly, what is your favourite ice cream flavour?
I have a hard time picking favorites of anything, but I love Ben and Jerry's Half Baked because it has everything I like: vanilla ice cream, hot fudge, brownies, and cookie dough. 

You can find out more about Marissa on her blog, or you can find her here:

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