23 February 2014


Remember the other day when I got hooked up with some sweet swag from Redbubble? Well here's your chance to get in on that action! I've teamed up with Redbubble and we're giving away a $50 gift certificate! All you have to do is enter below with Rafflecopter. It's easy, just follow my Facebook and then you open a window of extra chances to win.

Contest ends March 1st (that's next Sunday) and the winner will be announced that day. Open Internationally, so anyone can enter. Yay!

Good luck everybody! xo

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. I need to win so I can get a sweet ouija board shirt!

  2. How "sweet" the is the tipagraphric's Sweet. Need it on a tshirt.

  3. There's so many adorable Calvin and Hobbes gear - especially the one that's a mashup with Community! Super cute!

  4. I want "Moon's Angels" by mechantefille as an iPhone case and t-shirt! I wouldn't mind getting one of the Oujia board shirts as well. So many favorite things!

  5. So many cute things! I love Oujia boards, I have a vintage one from Salem, MA. So I love that design!!

  6. Ooooh in love! Never heard of redbubble until now. Awesome stuff! Thank you for the giveaway!

  7. Hard to choose a favorite, but I'd have to say the books are better than people shirt :)

  8. I looked over the front page, and found this adorable little hedgehog sticker! http://www.redbubble.com/people/randoms/works/11553042-hedgehog?p=sticker


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