9 January 2014


I previously mentioned that I was attending an important wedding in January and that I was doing the cake. It is pretty annoying to not want to touch anything let alone your camera when your hands are covered in sugar. It is even more unfortunate to forget your camera on one of the most important days of one of your best friend's life. Good thing my iPhone is in my clutch at all times. And while I may not have got any photos of my super adorable outfit (may have to dress up again and do an outfit post one day just to show you!), I did happen to get a few photos of the decorating process and the set up.

The cupcakes were two different flavours: Devils Food Cake (a recipe I've memorized from my Martha Stewart Cupcakes book) and a Butter Cake that's been in my family for years and is a no fail fluffy vanill-y cake that we swear by. The icing was white chocolate buttercream, which is a new thing for me and it's been a big hit for two weddings and birthday now. 

Stef and I picked some course sugar and these sprinkles that look like snow to top the cupcakes, along with some white and black sugar pearls. The cake was to be a rosette cake with black pearl centers, but I found these snowflake fondant cutters and my mind raced with possibilities. I came up with snow covered cake with a snowflake on each cupcake. 

This was my first crack at doing a fondant cake. Can you tell? There were a few attempts before actually getting the fondant not to crack in a million places before getting it to look good. I am pretty proud of it and I keep hoping to myself that Stef and Bryce loved it even though Stef thanked me over and over again and told me it was "effin' beautiful, man".

I'm really hoping there some good professional photos done of them cutting the cake, for now I only have a few dark shots of them goofing around (mostly blurry because I was pretty tipsy by that point) and a video of Tyler, a groomsman, attempting to throw the bride into the cake.

I do say, Stef and Bryce sure do clean up well and make for a very handsome bride and groom. I am so proud of them and I get teary eyed just thinking of how they are husband and wife now. Ten years later! All my best wishes to the two of them and their future. Love you guys!

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