8 January 2014


So, a lot of people have been talking about their goals and resolutions for the new year. I usually just say I'm going to eat healthier or learn something I never even end up trying to do. My list of things to do before I turned 25 was a bust, too. So for 2014 my list of goals is short and sweet:

Learn more about my camera/take more family portraits Lately, I've noticed what a different it makes to change the settings on my camera and see what works best for the lighting in my house. This sounds silly, because duh, of course it does. But I was really lazy about taking photos last year. I also noticed we don't have one single good family portrait this year and I really want to work on that. There's only 2 photos of Jesse and I together ever in existence and that has to change, too.

Be more frugal I say this now, but I probably won't start being cheap any time soon. I love to shop. It's a problem. But as a family, we've decided to start a savings account and stick to it this time. Hopefully this is the goal for 2014 that we actually commit to.

Work harder/be more passionate I really love crafting and doing my blog, don't get me wrong. But the past few months have just been lagging for me when it comes to blogging and coming up with creative ideas for my Etsy shop. I really want to push myself to be more creative with the writing process of my blog and work towards building more interesting and exciting content. I also want to work towards starting and keeping new friendships among the blogging community and help each other out with our businesses and networking.

Get more tattoos This one seems a bit silly, but I haven't had any done for almost 6 years now and I have so many ideas for pretty tattoos. I say this every year because I've planned to get two done for my sisters for years now. But, I'd like to get at least 2 or 3 this year if I can.

I usually say that the only thing I want to work on is losing weight. But, this year I feel like I am comfortable in the body I am in now and if I lose weight, that's awesome. And if I don't, that's okay too. These goals are much more obtainable for me anyways and I know I can have fun doing them. I hope everybody else has reasonable goals they would like to achieve in the new year!


  1. i could have written all those goals for me! so ready to get more tattoos... i haven't had one for 3 years and I am ITCHING to get another!

    1. Oh god it really does irritate you too when you're itching for a tattoo.

  2. I'm totally on board with taking more photos - I love trying to find new ways to capture life in an everyday sense. :]]

    1. I really want to start taking more outfit posts but i lack the tools to do so alone, and thats usually what i am during the good lighting of the day, as my boyfriend works 12 hour days.

  3. Awesome goals! Defo better than mine :p


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