6 January 2014


  • Nailene French Manicure fake nails
  • Nailene Super Nail Glue

This Saturday was the big wedding, so I had to do my nails extra fancy. I wanted to do a pretty design or colour scheme, but I didn't have the time, as I was doing the cake. But that's another story. My friend Jess was going to do them for me but she got into a car accident the night before, poor girl. So I was off to the drugstore for a cheap pack of fake nails. I hate these things. Hate them. Luckily for me, they were on clearance at $2.95 for 72 nails, which is perfect for me because the skinny normal ones never fit my wide nail beds. It took me about 5 minutes to file these and stick them to my nails. And they lasted all the wedding for me, even through setting up the cake, getting Josie ready for the babysitter, and running around like a chicken with my head cut off. They even lasted through my drunken dancing with the bride. The thumbs came off the next day but I've managed to keep them good for three days now. 

I must say I'm quite impressed with their quality. They are a bit annoying for doing mommy duties but they're so pretty I'm having a hard time convincing myself to take them off! 

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