22 January 2014


We moved into this house in May and have been procrastinating decorating the bedroom since. The only nice thing I ever had for my bedroom was my duvet cover. So, for Christmas I decided to get some decorative things to pretty up our bedroom. My favourite thing by far has to be our new polka dot wall! I put it together last night and just couldn't wait to show it off!

The lighting in my house is horrible, and my camera hates it. Especially without a wide angle lens. This is when it's a good time to use my iPhone 5c because sometimes, the camera on that thing is just way better quality.

Been awhile since I've showed my face here, but I'm hoping to do some outfit posts soon. Maybe once my face isn't so swollen. Speaking of which, I'm off to my sister Dawn's for the night and my dental appointment is tomorrow. Finally the beginning of the end of this terrible pain I've dealt with for way too long. Never thought I'd be so happy to see a dentist. Wish me luck!

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  1. That bedroom looks so comfy cosy and I am LOVING the gold dots!

  2. Fun! Love the gold polka dot decals. I wish I had a few flat walls in my house -- every single wall (ok, one kitchen wall is flat) is majorly textured, making decals a no go :(

  3. I love it! The metallic polka dots rock.


  4. Those gold dots are fantastic! What a great idea to really personalize the space!

  5. LOVE those gold dots! It's the perfect addition, and you can change it whenever...brilliant!


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