29 January 2014


If you've been reading up on my blog since I began (almost one year ago!), you know that 2013 was my year to give my wardrobe and style a major face lift. I had so much closet envy for girls who had a large selection of colours and patterns. Most of all, I just wanted to be a girl again. I started to live in tights and a band t shirt. Which is okay, I mean, who doesn't like a good band tee? But I just felt like I really lost touch with my feminine side. I also looked and felt so frumpy. Not anymore. I always feel comfortable in my outfits now and feel confident when I step outside. 

There are a lot of locals that come up and ask me what the heck I'm so dressed up for, if I wear something like this:

Yeah, I live in a somewhat close minded town, so wearing a dress with tights means I must be either going to someone's wedding or some other type of event (This summer I was told I looked like a hooker for wearing this outfit). Nope, just wearing a dress! Maybe people are just used to my tomboyish looks. 

Anyway, my closet was a flipping mess. I had so many clothes that don't fit me, and for some reason it appears I became a box hoarder (probably from many years of moving every few months). I looked through all my clothes and gave most of what was still cute and in good condition to my friend Carrie. She loved it all! It's always nice to give away clothes instead of throw them out or sell them. The boxes were all broken down and put away in our storage room. I can never throw out a good box. It took me most of my afternoon to clean and organize it but I am quite proud of the outcome.

I can finally see just how much I've put into my new wardrobe! All you see here is pretty much new from last year and none of it is band tees (those are in my drawers, because who throws out band tees? Not this girl)! I have (count 'em) 20 dresses now and a pretty nice cardigan collection. 

Next on my project list is to try and make my own dresses and skirts. It's been a long time since I've done a new sewing project so I'm pretty anxious for my fabric to come in so I can start. 

What projects have you started so far in 2014?


  1. I'm really jealous of your wardrobe :) And you're super pretty!


  2. Your wardrobe looks so neat and organised! I'm about to move in a few weeks so I don't see the point in spending an afternoon organising the way I want to. I cannot wait until mine looks as neat as this!



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