7 November 2013


I got a big Lush haul when we were in Toronto for my birthday and with that, I picked up a face mask, some shower gel and a few bath bombs. I was reluctant to try bath bombs, only because I wasn't sure if it would be worth it to spend $6 on average per bath. It seemed a little steep for just one use. Boy, was I wrong. The bigger the bomb, the better and it really does make your bath experience SO much better.

Dragon's Egg is like the epitome of luxury. It makes the water a very pretty orange with a gold shimmer. Yes, it makes you shiny afterwards, but it leaves your skin smelling so beautiful. Like a fruity, candy scent that lasts on your skin until your next shower. I usually moisturize with Coco Lotion after a shower or bath but I didn't need to, Dragon's Egg made my skin softer than a baby's bum! 

The best part was filling up my tub, laying in it and then tossing the bomb in the still water to watch it dissolve. It was like my own mini fireworks. At first it fizzles and starts to make the water white and blue and frothy, while releasing a nice jasmine scent. As it goes on it starts to frolic around the tub, releasing crackling blue and pink confetti that smelled of lemons and candy (I'm going to assume that's the bergamot?). After it tosses and turns for a bit it started to release streams of orange, golden bubbles, making fizzy noises. 

It actually cracked open like an egg and ended up in a few pieces, but the gold block inside took quite a while to dissolve, so it was fun to watch. And I can't stress enough how amazing it smells! I was so excited I took a video of it for Instagram.

Dragon's Egg is $6.25 USD, but it's really worth it if you're into citrusy, jasmine scented products, if you enjoy fun, and if you like heaven, basically. My next Lush haul is definitely going to include 2 or 3 of these... or 5.

photos via Lush.co.uk, video via my Instagram.


  1. hahaha "or if you enjoy heaven". I wonder if you could cut this in half with a knife and use it twice? I usually do that with bath bombs because I honestly feel like they are way bigger than they need to be, haha.

    1. I've used the little ones and they don't seem to be as good though. :( If you were to cut a Dragon's egg in half im pretty sure all the pretty stuff would fall out and it wouldn't have as great of an effect.

  2. I'm a huge, huge fan of LUSH but I only use their face stuff (as of now). I will definitely have to invest in one of the bombs in the future!

    1. I was the same way but you seriously need to try everything!


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