31 July 2013


I can't believe it's August, already! It felt like July took forever to go through, but that's not to say some eventful things didn't take place. Jesse and I celebrated 6 years of being together, the bows in my shop have been pretty successful, Josie's been growing like a bad seed, and I've been crossing a lot of things off my 25 before 25 list!

What Josie's Been Doing:
  • Growing teeth! She has two now and two more coming up
  • Sitting up on her own
  • Trying really hard to crawl and stand up
  • Eating real food
  • Discovered her voice... big time
What We've Been Doing:
  • Catching up on movies. As big movie bluffs we've really been slacking. The other night we sat down and watched Hansel And Gretel, Jack The Giant Slayer, Snitch, The Guilt Trip and 21 & Over. None of them were edge of my seat amazing, but it was a good night none the less.
  • Hooked on True Blood and Dexter - I'm going to be really sad when it's over. They're both getting so intense!
  • Relaxing. God, I love having a fire pit and roasting marshmallows with my family and friends.
  • Working on DIY projects around the house.
  • Watching Josie grow like a bad weed!

My Favourite Posts From July

Also, before I forget, I would like to announce that the winner of my July Goodie Bag Giveaway is Alex Montgomery! Yay congrats! I've sent you an email. Thanks to everyone else for entering and make sure you check back as August's Giveaway will be announce middle of the month!

I hope everyone's July was as good as mine - did anything exciting happen to you?

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