30 July 2013


Bleh. Here we are again. A new layout. 
I know I said I would stop changing my blog but this time it was for good reason. I recently discovered that my blog looked strikingly similar to another and noticed that a few other blogs had the same clip art as mine. Nothing against any other blogs (actually their designs look a hell of a lot better than mine!), I just didn't want to step on anyone's toes and also, I want to have my own, fresh look. Hopefully this layout sticks, and actually, I'm quite fond of this one. The colours reflect me a lot better than my past layouts ever have! 

Another change I should mention is the changes I have made to my advertising shop and button use. Since Passionfruit have changed their policies since my last ad shop change, and even though I dislike it - I had to add prices to some spaces. Not that it in anyway is expensive for anyone to buy a space on blog, I am still new. But I do need to have a means to pay for my account on Passionfruit. That being said, Large Ad spaces are now $6 USD and you can now purchase Medium Ad Spaces for $4 USD. Small Ad spaces are $1 but are still available for ad swapping. Of course, with these changes, come more opportunities to be advertised on my blog, including a monthly full column post for Large Ad sponsors and mega generous coupons for my Etsy shop. 

I apologize for being annoyingly unable to keep a consistent layout and I hope that this one sticks. 

If you currently have an ad space with me please note it will still remain posted until your month is up. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me and I will try my best to accommodate any inconveniences this has caused.


  1. I love the feathers! Very cute!

    1. Thanks, Sarah! I prefer these colours too! Bright ftw


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© Northern Flicker Co.
Design:Maira Gall.