28 May 2013

Insta May

I share my entire life on Instagram, seriously. But here are nine of my favourites from May:

  • The number one thing Josie did this month was say Mama. I'm still not over it. Plus the new A Beautiful Mess App came out and I can't stop playing with it!
  • A photo of myself that I actually like, which are pretty rare these days
  • I've done a lot of sewing this month, and I really like my new labels
  • Another ABM edited photo, I painted and I am going to redecorate the bathroom all by myself. So I can scratch that off my 25 Things list
  • Jesse and Josie playing on the floor - sort of a rare thing considering the amount Jesse works
  • Another picture of me, for Mother's Day - The little photo is my mom when she was around my age working in the tobacco fields at my Grandparent's house. The resemblance is striking.
  • A little peek at my work station in the craft room. I can't wait to paint and finish redecorating.
  • The new television, which was pretty much Jesse's birthday present. Another thing I can scratch off my 25 Things list!
  • Lastly, my favourite photo of Josie this month, she's getting prettier and prettier with time. Uh oh.
Today is my Aunt Peggy's birthday and I'm so excited to go up to see her and bring her the gifts my Mom and I have accumulated over the past couple months. She's obsessed with frogs so it's a dead give in what we got her. I just hope the weather cooperates with us, it rained all morning.

What's your Instagram? I'd love to follow all of you!

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