31 May 2014

May In Review

Dang, I've been so busy trying to win VIP passes to this summer's Kings Of Leon show, I forgot to whip up a Friday Five post for yesterday. Oops. (To help me win, please watch this video!)

Anyway, with Jesse's and Mom's birthdays, Spring flowers blooming and the sun finally shining enough to don the occasional dress, May is always one of my favourite months of the year. I'm sad to see it go but I'm excited for June and the beginning of Summer. Here are some things we got up to this month:

♥ It's bonfire season!
♥ Josie got a helmet so we've been taking a lot of family bike rides.
♥ Started the garden/patio and it's looking great so far!
♥ Officially closed the Etsy shop - I feel good about this.
♥ Totally winning my Blogging To Do List, by the way. So many outfit posts and recipes. The blog is in a good spot right now!

Favourite Posts

I honestly tried to keep up to date with my Instagram posts for the blog but for some reason just couldn't be bothered. So I'm going to try and do a little monthly recap in my monthly review posts. Here are 9 of my favourite photos for May:
Lastly, I've partnered up with the lovely ladies at Whimsy Darling this month and their hosting a giveaway for two of my items - an adorable pink woodgrain hair bow, and a blue and yellow geometric zipper pouch. Click here for your chance to win!
If you'd like to partner up with me for the month of June, there are new sizes of ads for my side bar. June is going to be a really exciting month for the Whale & Wasp and I'd love to have you hop on board! Take a look at my Advertising page for rates and details.  


  1. oh em gee the photo of you, Josie and the boys wearing those glasses!!! I love it!! :)


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