14 April 2014

meet the sponsor // a bunch of radness

Hey, I'm Veronica! A 25 year old newlywed and mother of a funny, lovely, gorgeous, and horrifying toddler. We are a bi-cultural household: my husband is from New Zealand and I am from Colombia. Besides those two men, my passions include writing, beauty, books, music and travel, and I really suck at sports and cooking. I always say I prefer the status quo, but my life turns out to be changing all the time, and I only recently realized I actually love that.

Describe your blog, what's it all about?
My blog is a little haven I created as an outlet for my writing: I have written since I was a kid, but life got in the way and I wasn't doing it nearly enough, so I created my blog to inspire me to write on a regular basis. It is basically a collection of everything I love: beauty, fashion, decor, DIY, fashion, books... anything and everything that I find lovely!

What drew you to blogging and what is your favourite part about it? 
 (I answered what drew me to blogging above... oops!). What I enjoy most about blogging is that it encourages me to find beautiful things to blog about. Since I started, I became much more aware of all the great things that surround me, and writing about them has made me a happier, more grateful person.

Is there any particular topic you like to write about most?
 My two favorite topics to write about are beauty: my favorite looks, products, etc. (total product junky here!) and home decor. I am by no means an expert, so doing a lot of research for my posts has actually taught me a great deal about those two topics.

What is the weirdest thing you do or enjoy (habit, item, activity, etc)? 
The weird thing I love is singing at the top of my lungs when I am driving. I must look like such a weirdo from the outside haha but I don't really care.

What is the most recent recipe you've discovered and drooled over? 
That one is easy: Dominique Ansel's cookie shot! I am not nearly skilled enough to make it, but I'm trying to convince my hubby to see if we can pull it off!

If you could only wear one type of clothing/outfit for the rest of your life, what would it be?
It would have to be leggings and tunics: they are so comfy, can easily be dressed up or down and I think they look awesome!

What is your favourite and least favourite part about motherhood so far? 
My favorite part about motherhood is knowing that together with my husband, I am responsible for this little kid growing up to be a wonderful man. That is also the worst part, as it terrifies me to think that so much of his future depends on how good a job I do now. But I realize no one is perfect: I try to be the best I can be, and hope he turns out ok!

What are you reading right now? 
Inferno by Dan Brown. I can't put it down, and am embarrassingly invested in the story!

Most importantly, what is your favourite ice cream flavour? 
Chocolate. No question.

You can read all about Veronica's adventures on her blog, or follow her here:
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