11 April 2014

friday five v.45

This beautiful DIY wedding in Palm Springs. Dude, I have some serious wedding fever over here.
Wedding Chicks

These rainy pots I saw on Kaelah's blog yesterday - so creative and adorable!
Red Dot Award

This striped blouse is amazing and my closet yearns for it.

I finally watched Blackfish, and loved it. It's an amazing documentary about the life of Orcas in captivity and their behavior at SeaWorld. If you are an animal lover, I strongly suggest you watch this and spread the word so that everyone can boycott SeaWorld because it is seriously a sick, sick place, and not one that any Orca or sea animal should have to live in.
Blackfish Movie

These portraits of people being blown by a leaf blower had me laughing so hard my ribs hurt for an hour. So hilarious!
De Milked

Happy Friday! xo


  1. I love those little planters! I wish I had a place for them

  2. Okay, the leaf blower portraits are hysterical! Thanks for posting, seriously made my night!


  3. wow! that wedding photo seriously makes me want to get married ALL OVER AGAIN. haha. That dress is so unique and GORGEOUS, not to mention the photographer did amazing! nice post - glad I stumbled across your blog today :) excited to be following along now!

    1. Isn't that wedding just gorgeous!? I am addicted to Wedding Chicks, I'm not even embarrassed to say so. Welcome aboard, glad to have you :)


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