7 February 2014


What is probably the most exciting thing to ever happen to music and television, CBS is airing The Night That Changed America, a tribute to the Beatle's first performance on the Ed Sullivan show 50 years ago this Sunday. I couldn't be more excited for this you have no idea. 

I've been mulling over signing up for a Cult Cosmetics subscription for some time, and this Blackbox is really coercing me.

This mint and coral statement necklace is beautiful!

Rolling Stone counted down what they think is the 50 greatest SNL sketches of all time. Although I do beg to differ in some circumstances, they did add a LOT of my favourites (Thank you for all the Dan Aykroyd, RS).

These shoes are so effin' cute I don't know what to do with myself.

Happy weekend everyone!


  1. I can't wait to go through that entire RS article - sounds like an awesome read!

  2. I cannot believe it has been 50 years! what fun!

  3. I really need to get into SNL! I'm forever behind haha


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