28 February 2014


This beautiful floral arrangement DIY is totally something I would do for my bouquet when we get married.

I could totally marry Paul Rudd tomorrow and wouldn't care that I don't even know him. He's a perfect person and this clip just proves it. (Jimmy's not so bad either)

Speaking of perfect television, My friends Carrie and Sarah made me watch Bates Motel for the first time the other night. I'm only 4 episodes in and I'm hooked. Oh my gooooodddddd it's good.

I need this dress in my life more than I need air. I mean, air is nice but it's not covered in fruit.

This chalkboard shelf is SO cool. I'm going to see if Jesse is interested in doing a little DIY project similar to it because it would look so great in our kitchen!

Have a good weekend lovelies! xo

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  1. That chalkboard shelf really is awesome! I wonder if I could rustle up something like that too, It'd go great in my kitchen!

  2. A lip sync battle sound amazing! Late night can get so ridiculous :]

  3. That dress is too adorable!!



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