14 January 2014


If you follow any of my social media platforms then you may already know. We're clearing out the Etsy shop so I can get new fresh pattern fabrics for the new year. Almost the entire store is 30% off - Cosmetic pouches, pencil cases, hair bows, zipper pouches and phone cases (excludes most jewelry) have all been reduced. 

An extra 10% discount bonus for anyone who orders $25 or over, with the coupon code TENOFF. 

Please help me raise a little money to help get new inventory! I have so many ideas I'd love to share. But before I do, I need to clear up the clutter of old inventory in my craft room. And if you could, please reblog, re tweet, re gram and share my sale announcements to help spread the word. If you can it would be greatly appreciated!

1 comment:

  1. I bought one of your pencil case/toiletry cases a few months ago and I LOVE IT! Been dragging it everywhere as a makeup bag. So cute! Can't wait to have an excuse to buy more.


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