27 November 2013


Lately, I have been feeling a bit discouraged about blogging. Not because I don't have anything to talk about, or have any inspiration. It just feels like a lot of the things I'm posting about lately are good sales. Which is actually a good thing, don't get me wrong - who doesn't like a good sale? Especially in the Holiday season. But, I miss sharing things about my personal life and sharing how-to's, outfits, etc.

It feels completely hopeless with out my camera. Anyone who still actually reads my blog day to day, thank you. I apologize for the lag and I do promise that it will eventually pick up again. I have many plans for the new year. However, December may feel a bit quiet around these parts. What I can promise is lots of great holiday sales, gift ideas, and the odd manicure post.

Hopefully, my readers will just stick it out until my new lenses for my camera arrive. I could only hope to get one sooner than Christmas, as Josie's first birthday is coming up and I would really like to document that event, as well as other seasonal adventures.

The broken camera lens has led to me feeling a big case of writers block, too. Maybe it's just because I like to have photos to share with stories. I am up for any ideas or thoughts if anybody has them. Please share in the comments below. :)


  1. sorry about your lens! That really sucks :( Everyone is busy around Christmas-time so this is probably the best time of year to take a little blog-break.

    1. I completely agree. I wish I had all these exciting things to document but i just don't. Taking a little break is great for me though because i have more time to read everyone's exciting holiday posts!

  2. I completely understand...whenever anything "goes wrong" with my blog, I feel as though everything comes crashing to a halt. I'm sure loads of people are sticking around and can't wait to hear about all this exciting stuff!

  3. Christmas time is always busy for everyone and you have no reason to apologize! Have you ever heard of a skin tightening treatment that is supposed to help with loose and saggy skin?


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