28 October 2013


I had these really cute nails planned and they were all painted and ready to go. Woke up this morning and was about to take photos and they had already chipped! So disappointed, I didn't even want to re do them. So today I'm going to share some of my favourite nail art I've seen for spooky Halloween!

all photos via Tumblr and All For Fashion Design

Hopefully I'll get pictures of my nails for Halloween to share with you guys, it's been awhile since I've done a nail post. Have you done any spooky nail art this month? 


  1. I do the matte nails with a glosse tip all the time! I'm also in love with those bone nails. Might have to look into trying to re-create them.


  2. Wow! These are all so beautiful. Wish I had the patience to do cute things with my nails!


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Design:Maira Gall.