23 October 2013


Whether you're having a party for your kids, hosting a girl's night or a party for Halloween, the possibilities are endless. Here are some really neat ideas for your Halloween party, no matter who it's for!

How cool are these decoration ideas?
Martha always has the right ideas. A classic game of bobbing for apples, or a new idea - butternut squash bowling - is a great way to entertain both children and adults. 

Everyone loves treats, and who could resist biting into a fresh gingerbread zombie or brain cupcake?

Another classic, but with a twist, this recipe for caramel, chocolate and candy apples has me drooling. And you'll have everyone talking about that awesome Witch's Brew you whipped up!

If you're just having a get together with a few friends or having a girls night, these two games are fitting for Halloween. The stacking game is sold out, but you could always make a spooky stacking game of your own!

Don't feel like carving pumpkins this year? No problem! Use other ways to decorate them, like lace, hosiery, paint or glitter. 
via Pinterest

Dang, now I kind of wish I was hosting a Halloween party!


  1. Too cute! I'll have a Halloween get-together one day...just too much going on right now!


    1. Same! Ive always wanted to have a halloween party but never have.

  2. Ahhhh, so many amazing ideas. All of these Halloween posts you're currently rockin' would be perfect for the Seasonal Series linkup!
    e m m a ▼ d e e r


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