25 July 2013


For those of you who don't know me, which I'm hoping is most of you (please don't be my Mom refreshing the page 200 times a day!), I should let you know - a post like this is not easy for me. For one thing, It's not easy holding a Canon T3 in your hand at arms length trying to shoot a photo of your accessories. But mostly, it's because I've struggled with my appearance and weight for almost my entire life. I've never felt comfortable in anything I've worn, often wearing pants and an oversize band tee, because I thought for some reason that was hiding the fact that I was over weight. 

I have never been "thin". Even when I thought I was a good size and weight, people at school would tell me otherwise. I can't even count how many times I was told I was fat, chubby, ugly or that I looked gross. It was higher on the list of reasons why I dropped out three years in. After that it was downhill from there and was only starting to begin to feel comfortable with myself until I had Josie. Now my body has changed again and I've struggled even more with my weight and how I look. 

Earlier in my blog I started a list of 25 things I want to do before I'm 25, which you can see here. One of the tasks on the list was to bring more colour into my wardrobe. I want to focus on wearing what feels comfortable for me but also broadening my wardrobe and wearing things that make me feel pretty and unique. With the love and support of my boyfriend, I have started to revamp my wardrobe. I normally would never take a photo of my entire body, and I sure as hell wouldn't post it on the internet. But I want this blog to push me to be more confident and I'm hoping that doing outfit posts will help me begin to love myself. So without further adieu, here is my first Outfit Post. 

Dress | ASOS
Cardigan | Walmart
Flats | Walmart
Satchel | eBay
Squirrel Brooch | Vintage
Belt | From a different dress from ASOS
Sunglasses | I can't remember

I apologize for the bad lighting in some of the photos, I'm still learning about my camera. Also, wow check out that flip flop tan! 

I hope everyone is having a nice Thursday. I'm busy as a bee today working on new things for my Etsy shop. I should be posting some up later on today and I'm really excited to share them with you!



  1. That dress is such a pretty color on you! & I love that satchel :)

    1. Navy is my new favourite go-to colour.
      Thanks :)

      That satchel is actually only $7 on eBay and comes in many colours!

  2. You are rocking that outfit!! Love the shoes.

  3. You look amazing in these photos. I've always seen you as beautiful <3

  4. Gorgeous! I kind of had a similar goal a couple years ago. I used to always wear black on black on black, but if you saw me now-a-days, the only black generally I wear is if I'm wearing yoga pants. I started wearing a lot more color once I became more comfortable with my body. Ten points to you for pushing yourself to be confident!


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