23 July 2013


One of the things I love, love, love about A Beautiful Mess is the other blogs I find from reading their guest posts. My absolute favourite blog to find so far is The Band Wife Blog. Laura Gummerman has such a great blog, and an even better style. That's why she's my new Style Crush! 

photos via The Band Wife

I am totally jealous of Laura's wardrobe. She doesn't seem afraid of doing her own things, she always has the best accessories, and she wears a lot of black. Which I can relate to and it's nice to have a little inspiration when trying to add some colour to your wardrobe while still feeling in your comfort zone.

You can find out more about Laura Gummerman by visiting her blog, The Band Wife. She also has really awesome ideas (like wearing the belt she made or her wedding dress on her anniversary each year! see here) and some super cute DIY flare for clothing, you can check them out here, here and here

Who is your current style crush?


  1. I'm jealous of her clothes too! Laura is beautiful :) I shall be checking her blog out for sure!

    Lulu xx


    1. Her blog is great and you should definitely check it out!


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