One of my favourite bloggers, Mandy from Miss Indie, did a 10 Things post yesterday and told her readers to do the same and share it with her. Well, this seemed like a great idea! So we're about to get pretty personal:
1. I met my boyfriend almost 15 years ago at the park. He threw rocks at me. Then we met again through my cousin, and then he spent the next 9 years chasing me until 6 years ago (yesterday) I decided to give him a chance. Best decision I've ever made.
2. I have a pretty big obsession with comedy. In particular, Saturday Night Live. Regardless of how most people think it's died and no longer funny - it's still one of the very few shows I am addicted to. I love everyone who has been on the show and I literally scream with joy when they bring people back for guest appearances. I've been watching it ever since I was a kid. This season, I literally sobbed watching Fred Armisen's farewell song.
3. I can do pretty much anything with my feet. My family can vouch for this. Okay maybe not anything, but I once switched a tape from a VCR. As in I hit eject on the VCR, removed the VHS, put it back it its sleeve, took the new movie out of our collection, removed its sleeve, stuck it in the VCR and hit play, and fast forwarded through previews all with my toes.
4. It's no surprise to anyone when I say I'm a huge fan of music. What most people may not know about me, unless you're a close friend, is how much I admire Adele. She is my idol and I praise her for her talent, her strong opinions and her beauty. I love her so much, we named our baby after her (Josie's middle name is Adele).
5. I've suffered from undiagnosed night terrors since I was about seven years old. I used to leave the lights on to sleep and often stayed up all night, terrified to sleep. It's dissipated as I get older, but they still occur every couple of months. I never went to the doctor about it because I thought it was normal and no one ever told me otherwise. Since childhood I have learned how to cope with it and sooth myself back to sleep so I don't lose much sleep over it now. That being said, I have an irrational fear of the dark.
6. I dropped out of school in grade 11. The steps leading towards this decision made sense at that point in my life, but in hind sight, there's nothing I regret more in life. I would still love to finish high school and take post secondary courses.
7. I am the youngest of three children and the tallest member of all my family, including my Dad.
8. I naturally have a really heavy heart. I feel bad about everything even if I'm not hurting anybody and even the smallest things can make me cry. Especially if it has to do with animals. I may come off as a tough girl but I'm actually a great big softy. When Zooey Deschanel cries about the puppy in the cup on New Girl? That's me.
9. I once travelled 4 hours to Toronto in the dead of winter, at the age of 16, by myself, to meet one of my favourite bands, Alexisonfire. It was worth it.
10. It is my dream to one day own and operate my own Cafe (that way I can have an unlimited supply of chai lattes haha).
I'd love to find out 10 things about you! Send a link my way if you've also done this challenge.
I'd love to find out 10 things about you! Send a link my way if you've also done this challenge.
ten things about me
ReplyDelete1. I love you
2. I miss you
3. I miss Jose
4. Be on me
5. Let's snuggle
6. I love you
7. You're my best friend
8. Pearl Jam
9. Dave Grohl
10. I love you
Ten things I obviously know about Becky: A Saga