21 June 2013

Top 5 :: Poster Artists

Okay, something you may not know about me: I'm a huge fan of poster art. Most importantly gig posters. There's nothing cooler than a beautiful, well done, creative poster for the concert you attended (or one you really wish you were at). Here's some of my favourite artists and one of my favourite posters of theirs.

I'm a huge fan of anyone who does work for Pearl Jam because their posters are always flawless and eye catching. Now, this isn't my favourite work from Rhys (click the link you'll be blown away by his talent) but I own this poster so naturally, I want to show it off. 

From one music fanatic to another, there is no need for an explanation here. Frank Kozik is in my opinion, and most people's opinions, one of the best artists of our time. His work is highly sought after. Also, he's makes kick ass figurines. 

Not only a great artist, but also one of my favourite musicians. Every Time I Die has been a favourite band of mine for quite some time. I love the colours Jordan chooses and how he comes up with some ridiculous concepts that end up turning out so brilliant. Plus, he's hilarious.

Again, I love this artist because of their use of colours. Munk One always has vibrant and original artwork. The posters are always fun to look at.

I love Ames Bros so much. Each poster is like a finger print - not one is ever the same as another. Their use of colours and patterns and everything else about them. Not to mention their extensive line of artwork for Pearl Jam. Are we seeing a pattern here?

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