14 May 2013

The Garden

One of the best features about the new house is the front yard and the back patio. So much ample space for beautiful gardens. Except, when we looked at the place it was less than appealing. We didn't even realize the potential it had, we just loved the house so much we didn't care. When we moved in we were immediately inspired to get started, despite how big of a mess we had on our hands:

These photos were taken after Jesse had already swept and raked most of the leaves and garbage from the patio. It looked as though the old residents hadn't done anything to the yard ever, except build that stone grill. The front yard is another story. It's a little over two weeks and the place doesn't even look the same anymore and all we've done is rake and clean out the garden beds!

I haven't taken any photos yet because I want to wait until we get everything planted and soiled, and it's been hard to keep things going with the weird weather we've been having. My mom and I have some really cool projects to do and I can't wait to show them to you because they're so adorable for gardens!

Do you have a garden? How is it coming along?

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